How To Prepare For The 2022 UNAA San Francisco Convention
The annual Uganda North American Association (UNAA) convention that attracts lots of Ugandans from all over the world will take place in San Francisco on September 2nd to September 5th , officials have confirmed.
The three-day event attracts businessmen, officials from both Uganda government and the United States among others and according to UNAA Vice President Ms. Joan Bavuga, the event is also ideal for business networking.
“We are encouraging Ugandans to come and sell their businesses. Partnerships between our people in diaspora and those back home is one of the core achievements out of the UNAA over the years,” Ms Bavuga told TheLocal on Wednesday.
“Despite the covid setbacks, we are committed to promoting the social, cultural and economic development of the Ugandan community,” she added.
Below is a circular signed off by Mr. Lambert Etibot, Executive Secretary UNAA shows a step-by-step process for UNAA’s Ugandan visitors for the San Francisco events:
1. Go to a Postbank near you and ask for UNAA Deposit Slips or ask for someone who handles UNAA registration matters.
2. Pay Your Registration Fee: $210 (Ends January 31st)
For Vendors, Vendor Fees are as follows: $300 standard fee and $500 premium fee (Registration Included)
3. Postbank will then notify the UNAA Executive of the Registration payment and an Invitation letter will be issued and sent to the payee.
4. The Payee then follows the Non-immigrant Visa application process on the US Embassy Website to generate a deposit slip. Print the deposit slip and take it to Centenary Bank to make a payment for a Visa Interview. After 24-48hours, the Payee can then schedule an Interview appointment.
5. The Payee then prepares for his/her Interview.
Disclaimer: UNAA has no control over the visa process nor does the organization guarantee visa approvals, early registration is thus recommended. All applicants are advised to periodically check with the Embassy for available slots once an interview has been scheduled, as dates might be subject to change pending open slots.
Note: Early bird registration ($180) is for UNAA members and ends on January 31st, 2022.
Lambert Etibot
Secretary, UNAA on behalf of the Ugandan North American Association Leadership.