1337 Massachusetts Ave

Arlington, MA 02476

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Monday to Friday

Mark Mbabali

As a UNAA representative, Mark Mbabali  believes that we now have an opportunity to redefine and shape UNAA as an organization that will benefit all Ugandans in North America, without relegating those members who work and live in the rocky mountain region. He strongly believes in teamwork for the betterment of our communities.

Mark Mbabali
Representative Rocky Mountain Region

Mark Mbabali is the newly appointed UNAA council representative for the Rocky Mountain region, encompassing a vast area that extends approximately 3,000 miles from British Columbia and Alberta in Canada through Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and down to New Mexico in the U.S. With this diverse geographical scope, Mark brings a wealth of experience to the UNAA council, enriching the representation of the Rocky Mountain region within the organization.

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